Full Moon in Sagittarius

Full Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Gemini Reading Full Moon in Sagittarius 12 minutes Next New Moon Eclipse in Cancer

Gifting us with a moment of peace in the midst of many challenging transits, the full moon in Sagittarius is truly a blessing. Sitting next to its ruler Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, this lunation helps connect us to our faith in the midst of other challenging astrological aspects. Sagittarius has the strength to remain hopeful even under the bleakest of circumstances. Faith is the wisdom and the medicine of this fire sign. With Mars moving through Cancer, the sign of its fall, and making oppositions to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, we’ll all need to call on our faith. To believe that we are strong enough to navigate any conflict. To believe that we are courageous enough to tell the truth even when it’s scary. Be your bravest this season, and deepen your trust in your inner wisdom. You’ll need to rely on your own magic, which is showing up for you in abundance. You’re up for the challenge.



Trust in your own process. Don’t worry if you’re not seeing the fruits of your labor just yet. Good things take time. The astrological transits of this lunar cycle are hard on you professionally – you’re not quite where you’d like to be yet, you’re not doing work that feels fully in alignment, or you’re burnt out and need a break. Whatever form these challenges take, don’t let them deplete your faith in yourself. If your life doesn’t yet look the way you’d like it to look, you are fully empowered to do everything you can to change that. The full moon in Sagittarius falls in your ninth house of long-term plans and dreams for the future. Tap into its energy to infuse your life with a higher sense of purpose. Get in touch with your dreams, and realign your routine so you’re moving towards them every day. You are never too old, too jaded, too inexperienced, or too anything to take a chance on what your soul craves.

Release: Impatience



You’ve been changing a lot over the past six months, and that’s something to celebrate. This full moon falls in your eighth house of transformation and invites you to recognize the habits that don’t serve you.  Give yourself credit for your growth; growth is uncomfortable, and can be hard. Recognize your inner strength to find a little grounding in the midst of these challenging astrological transits. Mars is moving through your third house of routine, and, since Mars is a planet that likes to shake things up, this makes your day-to-day life just that more chaotic. When the outside world feels unstable, find comfort in your inner life. Know that you carry all of the tools you need to navigate the world with confidence, compassion, and love.

Release: The need to have it all figured out


Let yourself be held. Let yourself be supported. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. This full moon lights up your seventh house of intimate partnerships, both business and romantic. People that are worth keeping around are there for you to lean on. Other astrological transits may have you feeling low this season – Mars, the planet of aggression and ego, is moving through your second house of resources and self-worth. Self-doubt and self-sabotage might be seeping into your consciousness. Share your struggles with those that love you. Even if you don’t feel completely comfortable opening up, only vulnerability can bring you the type of deep love and support that you need and deserve. Give yourself the gift of trusting others. You are cared for. You are loved. You are magic.

Release: Fear of intimacy



Mars, the planet of ambition and aggression, is working its way through your first house of self this season, and that is no easy transit. Especially because Mars is in its fall in your sign (meaning it doesn’t do well here), this lunar cycle might have you feeling extra sensitive, angry, and aggressive in ways you might understand. Your ambition is on fire, both personally and professionally, but you’re frustrated by what you may perceive as a lack of progress. It’s hard out here. However, the full moon in Sagittarius is a gift from the stars, and in your sixth house of work, so it helps you to recognize your accomplishments and release the harmful beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Comparing yourself to others can deplete rather than replenish  but wanting to do the best you can because you genuinely believe in what you have to contribute to the world – that’s good fuel for ambition. Keep what makes you feel good. And let go of the rest.

Release: Unhealthy comparisons


What’s going on in your personal life might make focusing on work extra tough right now! Mars, the planet of ego and aggression, is moving through your twelfth house of suffering, and making some pretty tough oppositions to planets in your sixth house of work. We know you how much value your disciplined work ethic, but your health should always come first! If you don’t make sure to rest and reset by spending time on what’s really meaningful to you, you are sure to burn out. Luckily, the full moon in Sagittarius gifts you with an opportunity to channel that into creative energy. Falling in your fifth house of art and pleasure, this lunation may inspire you to spend a little more time creating just for the sake of creating. What you produce for and by yourself is sacred. Spend some quality time with your imagination. And watch it bloom.

Release: The need to overachieve



This full moon in your fourth house of home invites you to spend some quality time with family. Whether the folks you call family are given or chosen, they’re showing up for you right now with the love and care that you most deeply need. You may be experiencing some tension with your broader social circle right now, so it’s nice to fall back on your inner circle when you need. Mars, a planet that rules anger, among other things, is transiting your eleventh house of community, inspiring some necessary but difficult conversations. If that has you feeling low, withdraw a little bit. Recharge by spending time with those that have been by your side for years. Remember that you have everything you need to build a support system that has your back, no matter what. You are always cared for, no matter what. You are always loved.

Release: The drama



This lunar cycle has you doing the most at work – Mars, the planet of both ambition and action, is moving through your tenth house of career. Whether you’re taking on too many projects, or getting into disagreements with coworkers, your professional life is taking a lot out of you. The hard work you do now will pay off in the long run - just remember to take care of yourself along the way. The full moon in Sagittarius falls in your third house of ritual, and invites you to commit to making self-care a routine. What can you do every morning, or every evening, that makes you feel just a little bit restored? Just a little bit lighter? Clear a space in your schedule for something that will help you to recharge. Take a bath. Decorate your living space with flowers. Your energy is sacred. Your time is sacred. So take care of yourself! You deserve to make time for yourself.

Release: Self-sacrifice



This lunar cycle has you rethinking your plans for the future. Reimagining your goals can be hard work, and recognizing that you might need to completely change directions may have you feeling a little ungrounded. Destabilized. Balancing all of the dreams on the vision board of your life with the realities of the day-to-day feels extra challenging right now. So take a moment to remember the ground beneath your feet. The full moon in Sagittarius falls in your second house of resources, both internal and external. Remember that you have every right to use them. Your savings can give you the stability to quit your job and figure out what to do next. Your compassion exists not only to support others but also yourself. And your community exists to support you when you’re not able to support yourself. You are not alone as you figure out what you want to do with this life. Trust that your have all the tools to manifest anything that’s truly in alignment. Believe in your own magic!

Release: Feelings of scarcity



Any full moon in your own sign puts everything else on hold and shines a spotlight on YOU. This year, Jupiter is transiting your first house of self, gifting you with the faith you need to make major moves when it comes to personal growth. Take this time to celebrate everything you’ve accomplished. Have you become more open to connecting with others? More secure in setting your boundaries? Better at respecting a routine? Whatever you’ve been working on in your personal life should be celebrated with this lunation. Congratulating yourself for what you’ve achieved, no matter how tiny a baby step, gives you the faith you need to navigate any difficulties the universe presents you with. You are strong, you are capable, and you are worthy.  

Release: Making yourself small



Your relationships are under review these days. Mars, the planet of aggression, is moving through your seventh house of intimate partnerships, both romantic and business. This transit makes you extra sensitive to moments that partners might not meet your needs, and you might be quick to lash out. Don’t be afraid to have difficult conversations, but make sure to take a deep breath before going in. When you’re not seeing eye-to-eye with loved ones, take some time to yourself. The full moon in Sagittarius hits your twelfth house of inner life and the subconscious. So take some time to yourself and recharge. Do whatever it is that you find restful, whatever helps you to connect with your inner light. When you connect with your own wisdom, difficult conversations will feel a lot lighter.

Release: Pressure on your partnerships



Real friends are the people who believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself. This lunar cycle serves you a heavy dose self-doubt surrounding your professional life. Whatever unhelpful habits you have regarding work are coming in strong this season. Every form of self-sabotage comes from a lack of faith in yourself and in your ability to do meaningful work. A lack of belief that you, like everyone else, deserve to be recognized for your contributions. Thankfully, the full moon in your eleventh house of community helps you to connect with those who see your value. Real friends remind you of your worth. Real friends remind you to treat yourself with love and care. Spend some time with folks who uplift you this season. Let their energy help you recharge.

Release: Negative self-talk  



You’ve earned that spotlight at work, and you deserve it. With this full moon in your tenth house of career, people are finally recognizing all of the hustle you’ve been putting in since the beginning of the year. This lunar cycle, you might be feeling a little bit out of alignment when it comes to your long-term goals for the future. Even if you’ve been in a little bit of funk recently, let yourself be celebrated in this moment. The attention you’re getting around the full moon will help you feel better and will help you to remember your long-term goals. Or, if it doesn’t, it will clarify why you’re feeling out of alignment. And will point you towards a better path. Still, let yourself soak in the recognition. You deserve credit for your work. Don’t be afraid to take up space!

Release: Fear of attention

Coryna is an astrologer, tarot reader, and double Aquarius. Her work focuses on connecting you with you own innate wisdom and magic - learn more or book a reading here

Edited by Grace Duong, creator of Mystic Mondays. Fueled by a mission to empower women and their intuition, Grace helps align you to the everyday magic within you. Available for readings here.  

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