Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

  Closing out 2019, the solar eclipse in Capricorn wants to help us clear out everything that hasn’t served us this year. Saturn and Pluto have been in this sign all year, inviting us to transform ...
Full Moon in Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini

A moment of lightness in an otherwise intense Sagittarius season, the full moon in Gemini reminds us to have fun even in difficult moments. Jupiter entered Capricorn on December 2nd after spending...
New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius

The new moon in Sagittarius this year is extra special. Sitting next to Jupiter, its ruling planet, this new moon will be the last of its kind in Sagittarius until 2030. The planet of good luck, e...
Full Moon in Taurus

Full Moon in Taurus

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio has been a wild ride for many of us, but luckily, the full moon in Taurus comes as a very welcome opportunity to rest. Retrograde might have you making major shifts, ...
New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio

Sitting in an exact opposition to Uranus, the new moon in Scorpio is no joke. Uranus rules surprises, upheaval, and revolution, and, in aspect with the new moon, offers us the revelations we may n...
Full Moon in Aries

Full Moon in Aries

The full moon in Aries is bold and bright, encouraging you to be the very best you can no matter what the circumstances. Sitting in an exact trine to Jupiter and square to Pluto, the moon promises...
New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra

The new moon in Libra arrives in the midst of both blessings and challenges. Sitting with Venus, and in a sextile to Jupiter, the sun and the moon also square Saturn. What this means is this lunar...
Full Moon in Pisces

Full Moon in Pisces

Intuitive, imaginative, and maybe a little impractical, the full moon in Pisces helps you to discern which dreams are worth pursuing and which need to be put on the back burner. Sitting in conjun...
New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo

With the end of Leo season, the cosmic energy transforms from bold, bright and inspiring to a little more practical, focused, and determined. In the skies, there is currently a stellium in Virgo -...
Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius

After the ups and downs of eclipse season, the full moon in Aquarius is a clear-headed and clarifying blessing. Sitting in a sextile to Jupiter and opposed to Venus, this full moon wants to help ...
New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo

This lunar cycle begins in bright, courageous Leo, and is refreshing and revitalizing new beginning after July’s eclipses. The new moon sits in conjunction with motivating Mars and in a supportive...
Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn

Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn

Today’s full moon eclipse in Capricorn invites us to be a little easier on ourselves. This is a south node eclipse, meaning we’re focusing on what we need to let go of rather than what we need to m...
New Moon Eclipse in Cancer

New Moon Eclipse in Cancer

It is officially eclipse season, which means it’s time to make major changes. Unlike normal new and full moons, eclipses create impacts that time to unpack. They bring to our awareness parts of ...
Full Moon in Sagittarius

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Gifting us with a moment of peace in the midst of many challenging transits, the full moon in Sagittarius is truly a blessing. Sitting next to its ruler Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expan...
New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

  Today’s new moon in Gemini might have you feeling a little ungrounded. The sun and moon sit in a close square to Neptune, the most confusing and the most distracting of all of the planets. You m...
Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon in Scorpio

    Today’s full moon in Scorpio, the deepest of the water signs, is likely to have you all up in your feels. This astrological transit connects you both to your greatest hopes and greatest fears -...

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