Equinox Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

Equinox - Astro Alignment Card Meaning

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Astro Alignment Reference Guide

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Keywords: Commitment, Integration, Shifts

The equinox happens twice a year when Earth’s axis aligns with the solar orbit and its tilt is neutral toward the Sun. The Sun is directly above the Earth’s equator, giving both hemispheres approximately the same hours of day and night. Hence, the word equinox, which translates to “equal night.” Equinoxes mark fresh starts and beginnings, with the spring equinox kickstarting the new astrological year and the fall equinox marking a time of harvesting abundance. Plant your seeds during an equinox and call in your manifestations with balance, integration, and intention.


Equinox - Astro Alignment Card Meaning Cheat Sheet

Equinox Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

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