Taurus Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

Taurus - Astro Alignment Card Meaning

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Astro Alignment Reference Guide

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Keywords: Tactile, Grounded, Stable

Tarot Card: The Hierophant

Modality: Fixed

Symbol: Bull

Element: Earth

Ruler: Venus

Mantra: I have

Dates: 4/20–5/20

Steady and grounded, Taurus is devoted to tactile, physical pleasure. Taurus is not afraid to work hard for their desires and root themselves in their values, often reflective of their love for beauty and artistry. Heightened sensuality through all five senses and indulging in the finer things in life are wellknown Taurus traits. In short, self-care is always a priority because Taurus knows how to keep the cup overflowing with satisfaction. Root yourself in your pleasure and be committed to your craft for the long haul. When you devote yourself, you’ll be surprised at what you are able to manifest.


Taurus - Astro Alignment Card Meaning Cheat Sheet

Taurus Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

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