Retrograde Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

Retrograde - Astro Alignment Card Meaning

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Astro Alignment Reference Guide

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Keywords: Reversal, Deceleration, Distance

While pop culture has embraced the infamous Mercury Retrograde, this is not the only planet to partake in this astrological transit! A retrograde is when a planet appears to be moving backward in the sky because of the speed of the planet’s movement in relation to Earth’s rotation. During retrogrades, the collective may feel disoriented in the area that the planet rules—for example, with Mercury Retrograde there can be issues with communication and tech. However, retrogrades can also be an opportunity to slow down and reassess. If things are going haywire, don’t just blame the planets—take accountability. Rejection is redirection.


Retrograde - Astro Alignment Card Meaning Cheat Sheet

Retrograde Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

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