Solar Eclipse Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

Solar Eclipse - Astro Alignment Card Meaning

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Keywords: Creation, Intention, Potential

Moon Phase: New Moon 

Frequency: 6 Times a Year

A solar eclipse brings new beginnings, illuminating bright possibilities, bold visions and futures, and fresh starts. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, blocking off the Sun’s light. A solar eclipse always occurs on the New Moon, whereas a lunar eclipse happens on the Full Moon. Eclipses often mark sudden and lasting change, ushering in the catalyst we need to grow—no matter how pleasurable or painful. Where the eclipse happens in your astrology chart will determine how that particular eclipse will affect your life. Look to the aspects of the Sun and Moon to see if this eclipse brings breakdowns or breakthroughs.


Solar Eclipse - Astro Alignment Card Meaning Cheat Sheet

Solar Eclipse Astro Alignment Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

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