Keywords: Courageous, Regal, Loyal
Tarot Card: Strength
Modality: Fixed
Symbol: Lion
Element: Fire
Ruler: Sun
Mantra: I will
Dates: 7/23–8/22
Regal and mighty, Leo shines in the spotlight as a natural leader. Others gravitate toward Leo as a source of light like the Sun, attracted to their natural confidence and ability to uplift others. Leo also has a flair for drama and can put on the theatrics for an engaged audience, amplifying their passions. Heed the call of the Lion and allow yourself to absorb the attention that falls on you. Leo asks you to shine as bright as you possibly can and show off your authenticity. The more you allow yourself to be seen, the more others can revel in your gifts. Be brave and show your heart. Failure is merely feedback.