Five of Wands Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

Five of Wands - Tarot Card Meaning

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Upright: Competition, Diversity, Rivalry

Reversed: Avoid Conflict, Compromise, Truce

Element: Fire

Zodiac: Leo

Planet: Saturn

Numerology: 5


Upright Meaning

The smell of competition is high in the air! Everybody around you seems to have an opinion and no one is willing to listen. A little competition never hurt nobody, but only if people are willing to compromise down the line. If you’re seen as a rival, it’s only because you have many talents to offer that cannot be ignored. Diversity is good and much needed, whether it is opinions or culture. Differences can allow for greater understanding and compassion on a human level. Being seen and heard is everyone’s desire, and if you want that for yourself, you must be willing to do the same for someone else. There may be an inner conflict playing out where you are pulled by the different parts of yourself. Tune in to what you truly want. Only you know what is best for you.

Reversed Meaning

Conflict is uncomfortable, however, running away from your problems will not solve anything. Nipping it in the bud can help you practice confronting the issues head on, instead of shying away. In the act of avoidance, you tend to scatter your energy and prolong the conflict, making it even worse! This could also be a pattern of compromising your values to appease others. You may be feeling competitive vibes, especially from your coworkers. Listen to your gut instincts on who you can trust, as some people will not have your best interests at heart. Learn to choose your battles and if this is worth fighting for. Reserve your energy for bigger battles ahead and come to a truce to ease the situation. Sometimes keeping the peace is more worthwhile than being right.

Five of Wands - Tarot Card Meaning Cheat Sheet

Five of Wands Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

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