Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

Seven of Pentacles - Tarot Card Meaning

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Six of Pentacles - Tarot Card Meaning Reading Seven of Pentacles - Tarot Card Meaning 2 minutes Next Four of Pentacles - Tarot Card Meaning

Upright: Patience, Investment, Sustainability

Reversed: Wasted Effort, Restructure, Low Return

Element: Earth

Zodiac: Taurus

Planet: Saturn

Numerology: 7


Upright Meaning

Hard work pays off! The seeds have been planted and you are now starting to see the fruits of your labor. Like a badass, you’re looking toward the future with long-term strategy, putting effort into investments for the best returns. Timing is key for the sustainability of your ventures, cultivating your ideas with the care they deserve. This isn’t just about money—this is about passion! You’re putting blood, sweat, and tears into something you feel very strongly about, building a foundation for your personal freedom. Your ideas are coming into fruition, visibly growing before your eyes. Patience is key, as this will take some time to manifest the way that you envisioned. No get-rich-quick schemes here—you’re in it for the long haul.

Reversed Meaning

Having a stake in multiple ventures may appear like a smart move, but can actually leave you exhausted. Efforts may be wasted, with little return on investments. Research your next financial move and make a decision on where to go next based off of your findings. You will feel more self-assured once you have more information on where you are putting your money and what you can expect from that. Create a system for yourself so that you can automate your decisions and financial actions. Investing does not only pertain to money, but also your time. Where are you putting your efforts, and is your energy being put to the best use of your time? Audit your activities and release the ones that are depleting your energy.

Seven of Pentacles - Tarot Card Meaning Cheat Sheet

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

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