Upright: Natural Leader, Visionary, Entrepreneur
Reversed: Shrewd, Dictatorial, Domineering
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Cancer, Leo
Numerology: 14
Upright Meaning
A true visionary, the King of Wands lights fire to his ideas with finesse and intention. His enterprising nature is able to fully flesh out an idea from beginning to end. Passion rules his kingdom, where his visions have the purpose of impacting the world on a large scale. He is able to both lead and follow, delegating tasks effectively while simultaneously working alongside his team. His greatest wish is to empower those around him to inspire them to be the best they can be. He molds the world to his ideas, supported by others who believe in his vision. Direct and straight to the point, the King of Wands asks you to create goals for yourself with clarity and imagination. Lead your life with intent and vision, with your eye on the prize. Don’t stop until you get to where you need to go!
Reversed Meaning
Controlling and aggressive behavior can make for an oppressive experience with the King of Wands Reversed. There is an attitude of “my way or the highway,” and it can create distrust when people feel they haven’t been seen or listened to. Passion is fueled by a fear instead of inspiration, and that can lead to jumpy and impulsive decision-making. The King of Wands Reversed warns you of taking people for granted in the pursuit of your goals. Manipulation and intimidation can be used to serve his agenda, with no intention of returning any favors. Expectations are set too high, and you are struggling to live up to these standards. Look at the big picture and see that maintaining healthy relationships is also a part of your vision. Evaluate your goals and what is most important to you.
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