Two of Swords Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

Two of Swords - Tarot Card Meaning

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Upright: Impasse, Stillness, Indecision

Reversed: Dispute, Indecision, Mental Overload

Element: Air

Zodiac: Libra

Planet: Moon

Numerology: 2


Upright Meaning

Complete standstill, time passes by as you struggle to make a decision. Many choices lie before you, however you’re finding it easier to avoid the problem, shielding yourself from any possible consequences. Putting off making a decision will only make it worse. Consult with all the parts of yourself and use your body as a sensor to gauge what feels right. There is constant chatter among the different parts of you, and they are all fighting for your attention. Call a truce until all parties can come to a peaceful agreement. Gather as much information as you can to fill in the blanks to answer any concerns you may have. Balance your wants and needs by weighing the pros and cons of this decision. Ask yourself what the intention of the desired outcome is, trusting that it is for your highest good.

Reversed Meaning

Could you repeat that? News is constantly churning, released at a pace where it is too much to absorb appropriately. Don’t give in to making rash decisions, influenced by any outside opinions. You could also be in the middle of a crossfire, and you are inadvertently getting hurt in the process. Your components are bombarding you with information, messages being shot at speeds too fast to catch. Current dilemmas provide no solutions, costing partnerships in the process. There is too much data to consume, and you are in the midst of a mental overload! Slow your roll to make sense of everything that is coming at you. Shed the weight of other people’s problems! It is not your responsibility to bear. Take care of your mental health by eliminating your bad juju!

Two of Swords - Tarot Card Meaning Cheat Sheet

Two of Swords Tarot Card Cheat Sheet Reference Guide

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